Investment Property Consulting
As part of one’s financial wellbeing, owning real estate is a must. While a well-rounded investment portfolio will often include stocks and bonds, nothing beats having real estate as part of the mixture.
The Buy
Krown Property Managament is uniquely positioned to offer advice on what makes for a good investment property. Our years of experience, has taught us what rents well and in what areas. We can help steer investors away from properties which may require a lot of work or may attract a high maintenance caliber of tenant, both of which can severely impact cash flow. Our understanding of the rental market will help direct you to properties that will lead to greater returns and hopefully less headaches.
The Sell
We are also well equipped to oversee the process of clients selling their properties. The Residential Tenancies Act allows a property owner to sell their property at any time, but complications can arise when the property is occupied by a tenant. Tenants generally are not receptive to being intruded upon by would be purchasers nor having their rental home sold from under them and being asked to move, especially when the timing is inconvenient. When listing a property, we manage the process from start to finish, combining our experience in sales you would expect from a Realtor with the management experience only found with a professional property manager.
While Krown Property Management brings this wealth of experience to the table, the above is achieved by our licensed Real Estate Sales Representative through our affiliation with HomeLife Lifestyle Real Estate.

For investment consulting or to list your property now, please call our office at (709) 738-4567.

Residential Management

Condominium Management

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